Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)-084277J

Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)

UNSW Sydney

CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:084277J
Course TypeCourse type:Bachelor Honours Degree
UNSW Sydney
  • Total tuition fees55,500 AUD
  • Course duration1.0Year 52 weeks

Computer Science is the study of the design, construction and use of computer systems. The Bachelor of Science (Honours) program in Computer Science and Engineering is a 1 year full-time or 2 year part-time award undertaken by eligible students after completion of a 3 year Bachelor of Science program in a relevant discipline and offers students an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the discipline through the completion of advanced coursework and a research thesis.

Course LinkCourse Link:
Campus:The University of New South Wales Campus
Address:High St, Kensington, NSW 2052
Post code:2052