Bachelor of Commerce-013905G

Bachelor of Commerce

Curtin University

CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:013905G
Course TypeCourse type:Bachelor Degree
Curtin University
  • Total tuition fees92,935 AUD
    Accurate tuition fees
  • Fees per academic year30,978 AUD
    Accurate tuition fees
  • Course duration3.0Year 156 weeks

This is a flexible course designed to help you reach your potential and gain in-depth knowledge and skills of one or more areas of business. You will develop decision-making and leadership skills, which are essential in a future marketplace and benefit from exposure to industry through field trips, internships, work-related tasks, guest lectures and networking events.

In your final year you’ll undertake a capstone experience.

You’ll begin by applying for the Bachelor of Commerce. In your first year, you’ll study business core units, select your major and choose customisation options that complement your major.

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Study our business core

The degree starts with our business core experience that helps you build skills, knowledge and goals to help you progress into your major. While studying your major, you can explore specialisations or compatible units that give you an edge, to complete your degree structure.

Analytics for Decision Making: You’ll learn basic data analysis to derive essential information from numerical, textual and visual datasets. As well as understanding the legal and ethical issues related to the collection and use of data, you’ll examine case study data sets from a range of business disciplines, communicate your findings to an audience and make recommendations.

Communication, Culture and Indigenous Perspectives in Business: You’ll develop  awareness of responsible business practices and cultural, academic and professional integrity in business. These perspectives will help you in business communications and in making business decisions.

Financial Decision Making: You’ll develop the skills and knowledge needed to make informed and responsible decisions using accounting and financial information. You’ll learn basic accounting and financial terminologies, how to interpret financial statements and make investment decisions.

Markets and Legal Frameworks: You’ll explore how key business disciplines are connected and understand the relationship between a business enterprise and stakeholders including government, customers and the broader community. You’ll also identify the laws and regulations applied to businesses, and learn how business and marketing strategies can impact society and the environment.

Strategic Career Design: You’ll explore the impact of changes in the global labour market and social trends and how technological innovation will affect career opportunities and the future of work. These changes have implications for individual and organisational career management strategies, and personal and professional branding in a digitised global economy.

Customise your degree

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Campus:Curtin University of Technology Campus
Address:Kent St, Bentley, WA 6102
Post code:6102
Campus:Kalgoorlie Campus Campus
Address:Egan St, Kalgoorlie, WA 6430
Post code:6430
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