Bachelor of Fashion (Design) (Honours)-079792K

Bachelor of Fashion (Design) (Honours)

Course closedCourse closed

RMIT University (RMIT)

CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:079792K
Course TypeCourse type:Bachelor Honours Degree
RMIT University (RMIT)
  • Total tuition fees37,440 AUD
  • Fees per academic year9,360 AUD
  • Course duration4.0Year 208 weeks

In this honours degree, you will have the opportunity to expand your fashion design knowledge, refine your vision, further research your design practice, and pitch your work to industry.

We seek to imagine future commercial contexts, create ethical design propositions, and use cross-disciplinary design strategies to drive global and competitive fashion design practices. You will extend your design, communication and presentation methods and strategies for fashion garments, products, accessories, objects, artefacts, materials, spaces and experiences of and for the body.

You will graduate with a portfolio of practice, development and research to prepare you for your career. Additionally, you will work with academic staff and industry experts to produce a digital publication, showcasing your graduate outcomes globally.

Fashion at RMIT has a global reputation for excellence. This degree has a stellar record of students and graduates winning major fashion design awards and scholarships, and receiving the invitation to participate in national and international showcase events. 

Course LinkCourse Link:
Campus:Brunswick Campus 25 Dawson Street Campus
Address:25 Dawson St, Brunswick, VIC 3056
Post code:3056
Campus:City Campus, 124 Latrobe Street, Melbourne Campus
Address:124 Latrobe St, Melbourne, VIC 3000
Post code:3000
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