Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Commerce-0100539

Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Commerce

Edith Cowan University

CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:0100539
Course TypeCourse type:Bachelor Degree
Edith Cowan University
  • Total tuition fees142,080 AUD
  • Fees per academic year35,520 AUD
  • Course duration4.0Year 208 weeks

This double degree is designed to enable students to develop critical thinking, creativity, initiative and business acumen to succeed in today's rapidly changing society.

It will broaden students' understanding of themselves, their community and the larger world as well as provide them with a foundation in the disciplines which constitute business studies, together with the opportunity for in-depth study and valuable industry experience.

Course LinkCourse Link:
Campus:ECU Joondalup Campus Campus
Address:100 Joondalup Dr, Joondalup, WA 6027
Post code:6027
Campus:ECU Mt Lawley Campus Campus
Address:2 Bradford St, Mt Lawley, WA 6050
Post code:6050
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