8104 - Work restriction: 40 hours a fortnight
- You can only work up to 40 hours in a fortnight. A fortnight means the period of 14 days starting on a Monday.您在两周内最多只能工作40个小时。两周是指从星期一开始的14天的期间内。If you are a member of the family unit of a primary student visa holder, you must not work in Australia until they have started their course. Family members of students studying a masters or a doctorate degree can work unrestricted hours once the primary student visa holder has started their course.=如果您是学生签证持有人的家庭成员,则在学生签证持有人开始学习之前,您不能在澳大利亚工作。在学生签证持有人的课程开始后,攻读硕士或博士学位的学生的家庭成员可以不受限制地工作任何时间。Note: This applies to family members of students who hold subclass 500 visa.注:这适用于持有500类签证的学生的家庭成员。Unrestricted work rights also applies to family members of subclass 573 (Higher Education Sector) and subclass 574 (Postgraduate Research Sector) visa holders studying a masters by research or doctorate degree.不受限制的工作权利也适用于第573类(高等教育部门)和第574类(研究生研究部门)正在攻读研究硕士或博士学位的签证持有人的家庭成员。Important: Employers seeking to hire the family member of a primary student visa holder are advised to request evidence:重要提示:雇主如欲雇用学生签证持有人的家庭成员,请提供以下证据,证明:of the relationship (such as a visa grant letter, marriage or birth certificate) and其与学生签证持有人的关系(例如签证批准函、婚姻或出生证明)和that the primary student visa holder has commenced their course, such as a Confirmation of Enrolment or a letter from the relevant education provider学生签证持有人的课程已经开始,例如入学确认书或相关教育提供者的信件
Understanding your work rights
了解您的工作权利The Department is working with the Fair Work Ombudsman to help employees and employers understand and follow Australian Workplace laws.该部门正在与公平工作监察员合作,帮助雇员和雇主了解和遵守澳大利亚的工作场所法律。Information on pay rates, shift calculations, leave arrangements and notice and redundancy entitlements is in the Pay and Conditions Tool (PACT).有关薪酬、轮班计算、休假安排以及通知和裁员权利的信息,请参见薪资和条件工具(PACT)。The Fair Work Ombudsman website has more information on workplace rights and entitlements for visa holders and migrant workers.有关签证持有人和移民工人的工作场所权利和应享待遇的更多信息,请参见公平工作监察员网站。For the full list of conditions relevant to your visa, see the Federal Register of Legislation.有关签证条件的完整清单,请参阅联邦立法登记册。
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