Master of Professional Accounting-107625M

Master of Professional Accounting

Curtin University

CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:107625M
Course TypeCourse type:Masters Degree (Coursework)
Curtin University
  • Total tuition fees66,820 AUD
    Accurate tuition fees
  • Fees per academic year33,410 AUD
    Accurate tuition fees
  • Course duration2.0Year 104 weeks

This two-year qualification will help you to step into the field of accounting and broaden your career prospects. You'll gain foundational accounting skills in your first year before progressing to expert studies in your second year.

In your first year of study, you will begin to develop the financial, analytical, research and communication skills required of professional accountants*. You'll build your understanding through theoretical study and real-life cases. You will then select one of three majors in your second year.

You'll have hands-on experience using professional accounting software such as Xero, Excel, R, Tableau, SPSS, Oracle, APEX, Pythion, ArcGIS and VSOviewer. To further enhance your employability, you'll also undertake an accounting research project, analysing the performance of a real company and preparing a financial analysis.

Towards the end of your course, you will undertake an industry-connected capstone experience, including an internship, research project or study tour. You will also be able to attend employee presentations to expand your networks, with past companies including Coca-Cola Amatil, Grant Thornton and Nexia.

* This first-year content is the same as  our integrated Graduate Certificate in Accounting and Graduate Diploma in Accounting.

Course LinkCourse Link:
Campus:Curtin University of Technology Campus
Address:Kent St, Bentley, WA 6102
Post code:6102