Master of International Relations-082406K

Master of International Relations

Griffith University

CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:082406K
Course TypeCourse type:Masters Degree (Coursework)
Griffith University
  • Total tuition feesAccurate tuition fees70,000 AUD
  • Fees per academic yearAccurate tuition fees35,000 AUD
  • Course duration2.0Year 104 weeks

International Relations is the most controversial, dynamic and exciting area of political science. This program suite has a strong practitioner focus and is highly relevant for people working in - or aspiring to work in, government and international organisations. Topics covered include international security and terrorism, human rights, religion and identity politics, diplomacy and statecraft, political economy and global governance. The masters degree expands on the international relations knowledge you'll gain in the graduate certificate.

In the masters, you can choose a coursework pathway or a dissertation pathway. The dissertation pathway can provide a pathway to a higher degree by research for candidates with the qualifying GPA.

Course LinkCourse Link:
Campus:Nathan Campus Griffith University Campus
Address:170 Kessels Rd, NATHAN, QLD 4111
Post code:4111