Master of Education-075122C

Master of Education

Monash University

CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:075122C
Course TypeCourse type:Masters Degree (Research)
Monash University
  • Total tuition fees59,670 AUD
  • Fees per academic year39,780 AUD
  • Course duration1.5Year 78 weeks

Today's educators are expected to be lifelong learners, able to adapt to global changes in education where routines and boundaries are often challenged.

You will explore the relationship between research and practice, encouraging you to analyse issues of interest to you. If you have an interest in research, but have not completed a major research project and would like to eventually progress to doctoral studies in education - this course is suited to you.

You will complete two coursework units, including a compulsory core research methods unit, and a thesis of up to 20-25,000 words. We provide a wide range of specialisations to suit your career aspirations.

Course LinkCourse Link:
Campus:Monash Clayton Campus
Address:Wellington Rd, CLAYTON, VIC 3800
Post code:3800
Campus:Monash Peninsula Campus
Address:Moorooduc Hwy, Frankston, VIC 3199
Post code:3199
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