Certificate III in Apparel, Fashion and Textiles-114748H

Certificate III in Apparel, Fashion and Textiles

TAFE International Western Australia

CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:114748H
RTO CodeRTO Code:MST31022
Course TypeCourse type:Certificate III
TAFE International Western Australia
  • Total tuition fees12,480 AUD
    Accurate tuition fees
  • Course duration1.0Year 52 weeks

Your path to success begins with the fashion garment construction and production training you’ll receive in this qualification.

Learn specialised technical skills for creating tailored fashion garments. From made-to-measure to production techniques, you'll be equipped for industry success.

Blend creativity with precision. Our curriculum teaches hands-on skills and textile insights, creating both fashionable and well-crafted garments.

Learn traditional and modern skills. Become an artisan in high demand with skills in handwork and industrial techniques.

Gain a holistic understanding of textiles and clothing production with an industry work placement component.

Career opportunities may include running your own fashion business or job roles such as production technician, sample machinist, patternmaking assistant and specialised fashion technician.

Course LinkCourse Link:https://www.tafeinternational.wa.edu.au/tafe-courses/mst31022-certificate-iii-apparel-fashion-textiles
Campus:South Metropolitan TAFE, Bentley Campus Campus
Address:24 Hayman Rd, Bentley, WA 6102
Post code:6102