Bachelor of Science-025519G

Bachelor of Science

Charles Sturt University

CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:025519G
Course TypeCourse type:Bachelor Degree
Charles Sturt University
  • Total tuition feesAccurate tuition fees101,280 AUD
  • Fees per academic yearAccurate tuition fees33,760 AUD
  • Course duration3.0Year 156 weeks

Which of the world's problems would you like to solve? When you study the Bachelor of Science online with Charles Sturt University, you'll be prepared for a rewarding career helping to advance Australian and international scientific knowledge and develop solutions to some of the complex problems facing society. What's more, you can tailor your bachelor's degree in science to your interests or explore a range of scientific disciplines to determine where your passions lie.

Course LinkCourse Link:
Campus:Wagga Wagga Campus
Address:Boorooma St, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2675
Post code:2675