Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours)-060188G

Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours)

Deakin University

CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:060188G
Course TypeCourse type:Bachelor Honours Degree
Deakin University
  • Total tuition feesAccurate tuition fees36,600 AUD
  • Course duration1.0Year 52 weeks

Build on your knowledge of health care, policy and systems with a Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours). Through a combination of coursework and original research, you will learn the analytical skills and research techniques that will take you into further study, or employment in the booming health sector.

Do you have questions about the health of our population you want answered? Why not follow your passions and discover the answers with your own research?

Contribute to existing studies in the contemporary health sector by completing an honours degree. You will have the opportunity to work with a world-class supervisor who will guide you through all the stages of research from data collection to implementation and execution, helping you produce a piece of independent, original research.

Focus on an area within the health sciences that you are passionate about. Research themes can include:

  • community health
  • gambling
  • gender, family, reproductive and sexual health
  • health, diversity and social inclusion
  • health economics
  • nature and health
  • obesity prevention, healthy food environments and food policy
  • physical activity, motor skill competence and self-perception
  • refugee health
  • sustainability
  • violence and abuse, prevention and intervention.

You will learn more than just your topic of research. You will develop the necessary skills to successfully conduct research, with units designed to build your knowledge of the process.

You can be confident that your research is guided by the most recent and ground-breaking findings within the health sector. Deakin’s School of Health and Social Development is home to a large range of multidisciplinary research groups, encompassing public health, health promotion, and social, commercial, behavioural, and environmental determinants of health.

The school addresses the complex connections between determinants of health in their broadest sense, and social development in a variety of settings, and at a range of intervention levels. This means you will be immersed in the work of some of the world’s best researchers.

Follow your passion to improve the health and wellbeing of society by studying a Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours).

Course LinkCourse Link:
IELTS score
PTE score
Campus:Deakin University Campus
Address:221 Burwood Hwy, BURWOOD, VIC 3125
Post code:3125