Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business-107339F

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business

Swinburne University of Technology

CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:107339F
Course TypeCourse type:Bachelor Honours Degree
Swinburne University of Technology
  • Total tuition fees216,700 AUD
    Accurate tuition fees
  • Fees per academic year43,340 AUD
    Accurate tuition fees
  • Course duration5.0Year 260 weeks

The Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business offers you strong and broad knowledge of engineering and business so you can combine the two in your career.

The course incorporates graduate employability skills, developments in information technology, society's changing work patterns, sustainable design practices and the need to meet 'world best practice' in engineering.

In the Bachelor of Business, you'll develop core knowledge and skills essential to business management and operations in the 21st century. You'll complete the core and major studies from your chosen engineering and business fields of study. After five years' study, you'll graduate with a professionally accredited engineering degree and a business degree.

Course LinkCourse Link:
Campus:Hawthorn Campus John Street Hawthorn Swinburne University Campus
Address:John St, HAWTHORN, VIC 3122
Post code:3122