Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Health Sciences-093259C

Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Health Sciences

La Trobe University

CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:093259C
Course TypeCourse type:Bachelor Degree
La Trobe University
  • Total tuition fees157,600 AUD
    Accurate tuition fees
  • Fees per academic year39,400 AUD
    Accurate tuition fees
  • Course duration4.0Year 208 weeks

Qualify for a professional position in accounting, economics, finance, marketing or management and apply your commercial skills to the management of health institutions and practices.
The health science component allows you to choose your major from three different scientific disciplines: Public Health, Rehabilitation Counselling, or Human Physiology and Anatomy.
The commerce component is designed to develop responsible, engaged, innovative, work-ready graduates by providing you with opportunities to talk and work with business. It comprises an eight-subject common core and an eight-subject primary major, chosen from five key business disciplines: Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management and Marketing.
The common core, which extends through all three years of the degree, is designed to offer you a broad introduction to business disciplines. You'll apply your disciplinary knowledge, research, analytical and problem solving skills to resolving social, environmental and business problems and opportunities. You'll also have the opportunity to talk with business and community leaders and apply their knowledge and skills in a professional working environment.
The qualification awarded on graduation is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) as Level 7.

Course LinkCourse Link:
Campus:Melbourne (Bundoora) Campus Campus
Address:Kingsbury Dr, BUNDOORA, VIC 3083
Post code:3083