Bachelor of Aviation and Piloting/Bachelor of Business-096702J

Bachelor of Aviation and Piloting/Bachelor of Business

Swinburne University of Technology

CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:096702J
Course TypeCourse type:Bachelor Degree
Swinburne University of Technology
  • Total tuition fees268,914 AUD
  • Fees per academic year67,229 AUD
  • Course duration4.0Year 208 weeks

Our Bachelor of Aviation and Piloting/Bachelor of Business allows you to combine your passion for flying with business studies.

This double degree includes four units of practical professional pilot training. Training in an airline cadet pilot environment, you'll acquire a Commercial Pilot Licence with a Multi Engine Instrument Rating. For your final practical unit, you'll either undertake a Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) approved Multi Crew Cooperation course, or Flight Instructor rating.

In your business studies, you’ll examine business models, strategy and management principles, and be prepared for roles in modern organisations.

Work Integrated Learning is a guaranteed part of all our bachelor degrees. In this degree, in the units Aviation Research Project Part 1 and 2, you’ll work on a group project based on real industry problems faced by Qantas or Melbourne Airport.

You'll graduate with the skills to pursue a career as a flight crew member, flight instructor, or within an aviation business.

Course LinkCourse Link:
Campus:Hawthorn Campus John Street Hawthorn Swinburne University Campus
Address:John St, HAWTHORN, VIC 3122
Post code:3122