Bachelor of Archaeology (Honours)-068376F

Bachelor of Archaeology (Honours)

La Trobe University

CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:068376F
Course TypeCourse type:Bachelor Honours Degree
La Trobe University
  • Total tuition fees32,600 AUD
  • Course duration1.0Year 52 weeks

Whether you want to work in the professional archaeology sector, or go on to further research with a PhD, build on your successes in Archaeology by completing the Bachelor of Archaeology (Honours) to develop the essential skills you'll need in archaeological research, fieldwork, problem solving, and oral and written communication.

Completing our dedicated Honours coursework subjects will provide you with a deeper understanding of archaeological theory, research design and practice. You'll also complete a dedicated archaeological fieldwork subject – getting hands-on experience of the practical and professional skills you'll need to build your career and to complete your research thesis.

For your thesis, you'll complete an independent research project, under the supervision of expert staff. Take advantage of departmental expertise in Indigenous Australian archaeology, historical archaeology, archaeological sciences, landscape archaeology, heritage management, Near Eastern or Asian archaeology.

By graduating with Honours you'll gain an edge in an increasingly competitive job market, fulfilling the criteria for becoming Registered Heritage Advisor in Victoria – and you'll also have the opportunity to advance to further research here at La Trobe with our Master of Arts by Research and PhD programmes.

Course LinkCourse Link:
Campus:Melbourne (Bundoora) Campus Campus
Address:Kingsbury Dr, BUNDOORA, VIC 3083
Post code:3083