Bachelor of Accounting-088381K

Bachelor of Accounting

Swinburne University of Technology

CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:088381K
Course TypeCourse type:Bachelor Degree
Swinburne University of Technology
  • Total tuition fees119,820 AUD
    Accurate tuition fees
  • Fees per academic year39,940 AUD
    Accurate tuition fees
  • Course duration3.0Year 156 weeks

Accounting is about more than numbers. It’s about how finances affect businesses and people’s lives. Swinburne's Bachelor of Accounting aims to develop the technical skills and personal traits you need to adapt and thrive in this rapidly evolving profession. 

Course LinkCourse Link:
Campus:Hawthorn Campus John Street Hawthorn Swinburne University Campus
Address:John St, HAWTHORN, VIC 3122
Post code:3122