Applied Corporate Finance
- 全学期本地化内容精讲
- 建立完整知识体系框架
- 考点重难点详细讲解
- 严选师资+科学教研
联系专员Han Sun
创始人优学教育:开启留学路上的智慧助推者! 我们,优学教育,专注于为留学生量身定制学业辅导。无论您攻读Diploma、Bachelor还是Master,我们都将成为您坚实的支持。 独特之处: 🌟 名师呵护:经验丰富的硕博导师,将重点难点化繁为简,助您突破学业瓶颈。 🌟 3V1在线服务:专属客服、助教与讲师齐心协力,为您答疑解惑,确保您学习无忧。 🌟 涵盖广泛:从会计、金融、经济到工程、计算机,从论文辅导到考前冲刺,我们满足您多样化的学习需求。 🌟 时刻陪伴:7*24小时在线,您的学习伙伴,随时守候。 让优学教育成为您留学路上的智慧引领,与您携手迈向更辉煌的未来!
This course focuses on practical applications related to financial decision making. Case studies, empirical evidences and current events are used to illustrate the process of making financial decisions commonly faced by corporate managers, investment bankers, investors and regulators. Topics discussed include: advanced issues in corporate valuation and capital budgeting; raising capital; valuation and analysis of real options; leverage choice, mergers and acquisitions and the market for corporate control and governance; and other advanced topics in Corporate Finance. The course also aims to help students develop oral and writing skills through group assignments and case studies.