Master of Electronic and Computer Engineering/Master of Electronic and Energy Engineering-084180G

Master of Electronic and Computer Engineering/Master of Electronic and Energy Engineering

Xem chi tiết trường học
  • Tổng học phí86,706 AUD
  • Học phí mỗi năm học43,353 AUD
  • Khoảng thời gian2.0Năm học 104 tuần
Giới thiệu
Electronic and Computer Engineers and Electronic and Energy Engineers work in the exciting cutting edge area of high technology. This program delivers advanced core knowledge required in the electronics area to allow graduates to work in many different disciplines of electronics. It also covers the very important area of electronic computing. Most modern electronic devices and systems nowadays contain microprocessor or computing hardware. The energy component of the program gives graduates extra knowledge and skills to enable them to also move into this fast moving area. The program also allows the opportunity to undertake elective courses in the student's areas of interest. A full trimester research project allows students to demonstrate autonomous research skills whilst executing professional practice skills learnt in the program.
CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:084180G
Course TypeLoại khóa học:Masters Degree (Coursework)
Liên kết khóa họcLiên kết khóa học:
Những ngày quan trọng
Trimester 1
  • Ngày bắt đầu03-04
  • Hạn chót nộp đơn03-01
Trimester 2
  • Ngày bắt đầu07-15
  • Hạn chót nộp đơn07-05
Khuôn viên đại học:Nathan Campus Griffith University Campus
Địa chỉ:170 Kessels Rd, NATHAN, QLD 4111
Mã bưu điện:4111