Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)/Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)-088867K

Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)/Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)

Xem chi tiết trường học
  • Tổng học phí302,500 AUD
  • Học phí mỗi năm học60,500 AUD
  • Khoảng thời gian5.0Năm học 260 tuần
Giới thiệu
Broaden your career prospects by studying advanced science and computer science together. The advanced science degree differs from the Bachelor of Science with the inclusion of advanced-level courses and an honours year. In addition to foundation subjects such as biology, chemistry, physics and maths, you have access to more than 26 advanced fields of science, including advanced physical oceanography, archaeology palaeoenvironments, climate dynamics and marine and coastal science. During your studies, you'll develop the critical and analytical thinking needed for the successful completion of the research-based honours year. In the computer science component, you'll study the design, construction and uses of computer systems. There are more than seven computer science majors to choose from, including artificial intelligence, database systems, e-commerce, embedded systems, networks, programming languages and security.  
CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:088867K
Course TypeLoại khóa học:Bachelor Honours Degree
Liên kết khóa họcLiên kết khóa học:
Những ngày quan trọng
  • Ngày bắt đầu02-12
  • Hạn chót nộp đơn-
  • Ngày bắt đầu05-27
  • Hạn chót nộp đơn-
term 3
  • Ngày bắt đầu09-09
  • Hạn chót nộp đơn-
  • Hướng dẫn sử dụng 适用于来自符合条件的国家并于 2023 年或 2024 年开始学习的学生 是一名国际学生;和 是符合条件的国家的公民 ;和 作为新生 在 校园开始全日制学习 ^新南威尔士大学文凭课程、 新南威尔士大学本科或研究生课程课程(不 包括 AGSM、新南威尔士大学在线课程、新南威尔士大学堪培拉课程、新南威尔士大学预科课程、在线过渡课程、任何在六学期制日历或出国留学的学生);和 必须已申请并收到新南威尔士大学本科或研究生学位课程的录取通知书* ;和 不得是新南威尔士大学在读学生 (已 在新南威尔士大学完成本科 课程 并开始 研究生课程 的学生除外 )
  • Bằng cấp áp dụngCử nhân
  • Phạm vi ứng dụngCả trường
Khuôn viên đại học:The University of New South Wales Campus
Địa chỉ:High St, Kensington, NSW 2052
Mã bưu điện:2052