悉尼商务洞察 | 一线希望:论疫情如何助力企业“强身健体”

悉尼商务洞察 | 一线希望:论疫情如何助力企业“强身健体”

发布时间: 14/01/2021

When defining an organisation’s core values, the descriptors of integrity, boldness and honesty are usually front of mind. But what about health?


Amidst the dubious havoc, unleashed by a fear of the intangible unknown, COVID-19 has 'yielded an unprecedented, public relations-positive education campaign’according to Dr Amanda Rischbieth, Chair of the National Blood Authority Australia. COVID-19 has been an epiphanic revelation towards our understanding of public health and such cognisance needs to be critically imbedded into our organisations.
澳大利亚国家血液管理局主席Amanda Rischbieth博士表示,在这场毫无把握的浩劫中,出于人们对无形的病毒的恐惧,新冠疫情已经“促发了前所未有的改善公共关系再教育”。新冠疫情已刷新人们对公共卫生的理解,我们需要将此新认识嵌入企业中。
While workplace health and well-being are a board’s‘core legal responsibility’, health has not been attributed the structural precedence which it necessitates. Rather it has become a lingering and less effectual fixture, whereby, according to Dr Rischbieth,  matters of “health” are defaulted to ‘traditional work, health and safety activity, absenteeism, and compliance reporting’.


With only a staggering 12% of organisations revealing ‘that they are ready to address the issue [of worker well-being]’ COVID-19 could be the catalyst for organisations to consider the strategic embedding of health across the board and management level.


From a business perspective, the term resilience typically infers crisis management and business continuity ‘in the face of a crisis or economic slowdown’. In light of COVID-19, we must learn to be more resilient about our interlinking of business and public health leadership; a proposition, which may incite a more caring culture – governed by a Culture of Health (COH), as explicated by the work of Harvard Professor, John Quelch.

从企业角度来看,“韧性”一词通常指“面对危机或经济衰退时”的危机管理和业务连续性。面对新冠疫情,我们必须学会让我们的企业和公共卫生领导层之间的相互联系保持更大的韧性;哈佛大学教授John Quelch的一项研究表明,此主张可能会激发形成一种以健康文化(Culture of Health)为主导的更加强调“关怀”的文化。

Undeniably, with the progression of remote working through technological advancements and the facilitation of flexible working practices, COVID-19 has restructured how employees interact with their workplace; an auspicious phenomenon, beckoning organisations to reconsider their core values and responsibilities.


By making health a shared value across organisations, not only will the wellbeing of employees improve incrementally, but communities will also become healthier and more equitable due to the welcomed implementation of cross-sector collaboration.


Julia Rawlinson







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