Master of Teaching-教育硕士-083045M


Master of Teaching


Monash University

  • 总学费76,220 AUD
  • 每学年费用38,110 AUD
  • 时长2.0学年 104
This course prepares you for a career as a skilled, critical and effective educator in the early childhood sector, primary schools, secondary schools, or a combination of these. This course is designed for those with an undergraduate degree in any discipline who want to gain a teaching qualification. You will build a high level of expertise in one of five specialisations: Early childhood education  Early childhood and primary education Primary education Primary and secondary education Secondary education. The course will prepare you for teaching in an increasingly diverse, complex and changing world. You will engage with contemporary ideas and practices and learn how to foster the learning of children and young people with varied needs. This will enable you to develop your students' creative, intellectual, physical, personal and social capabilities. While learning to handle the complex nature of teaching, you will develop the specific professional knowledge and teaching skills needed to engage students of various ages and developmental stages with particular school subjects. Professional experience offered throughout the course in urban, rural, remote or international locations and education settings, will build your knowledge of teaching and learning. As a result, you will become a thoughtful, effective and inclusive educator able to design learning experiences that ensure that your students have the right balance of challenge and support to progress in areas such as: the arts and music, English, mathematics, humanities, physical education, health and wellbeing, science, and digital technologies. The Master of Teaching will prepare you as a professional educator for the global workforce. As a graduate of the course, you will have a strong base for decision making within your practice which will assist you to establish yourself as a leader of the future.
CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:083045M
Course Type课程类型:Masters Degree (Coursework)
2024 学年
2025 学年
2026 学年
Semester 1
  • 开学日期02-26
  • 申请结束日期02-23
Semester 2
  • 开学日期07-22
  • 申请结束日期07-19
  • 使用说明 打算在澳大利亚莫纳什校区攻读全日制本科或研究生(课程)学位。 对于新生,您必须已收到莫纳什大学的录取通知书。 对于当前学生,您必须在澳大利亚至少完成两个学期的学习 目前就读医学学士和外科学士(荣誉)课程或医学科学和医学博士(MD)课程的学生必须完成至少四个学期并取得成绩。 注意:如果您符合以下条件,则没有资格申请该奖学金: 正在学习澳大利亚 12 年级。您可能有资格获得约翰·莫纳什爵士卓越奖学金。 开始攻读医学学士和外科学士学位(荣誉)课程或医学科学和医学博士(MD)课程。您需要完成四个学期并以在校学生身份申请
  • 适用学位研究生
  • 适用范围全校
校区:Monash Peninsula Campus
地址:Moorooduc Hwy, Frankston, VIC 3199
校区:Monash Clayton Campus
地址:Wellington Rd, CLAYTON, VIC 3800
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