Master of International Sustainable Tourism Management-国际可持续旅游管理硕士-078909K


Master of International Sustainable Tourism Management


Monash University

  • 总学费85,902 AUD
  • 每学年费用42,951 AUD
  • 时长2.0学年 104
This international double master's program enables you to complete the requirements of the Monash Master of International Sustainable Tourism Management as well as a second degree with Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). You will initially study a full year at Institut Teknologi Bandung and subsequently a further year at Monash University in Australia. On successful completion of the academic program at Institut Teknologi Bandung and the academic program at Monash, students will be eligible to graduate with the degrees from both institutions, awarded separately. Sustainability represents an increasingly influential facet of tourism planning, development, governance and management, encompassing a diversity of sectors as the industry continues to expand globally. The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is also forecasting that the growth rate for emerging economies will be double the rate of advanced economies in the years leading to 2030 and that a sustainable industry can therefore play a significant role in the achievement of development goals. Effective planning and policy making for international tourism, and for the management of environmental, socio-cultural and economic consequences is critical. There is a growing demand for well-qualified managers who not only have a broad and deep understanding of global business activity and market based solutions, but a clear insight into the consequences of planning and policy-making on the environment, society, culture and the economy. This course looks at the driving forces behind the global tourism economy and how tourism can be compatible with the development of sustainable organisations, urban and rural development/regeneration, natural resource management, as well as the diversifying benefits from international and domestic tourism. It facilitates the development of skills and techniques to develop tourism policies and practices in a global setting and to manage tourism development and enterprises in the direction of more sustainable practice.
CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:078909K
Course Type课程类型:Masters Degree (Coursework)
2024 学年
2025 学年
2026 学年
Semester 1
  • 开学日期02-26
  • 申请结束日期02-23
Semester 2
  • 开学日期07-22
  • 申请结束日期07-19
  • 使用说明 打算在澳大利亚莫纳什校区攻读全日制本科或研究生(课程)学位。 对于新生,您必须已收到莫纳什大学的录取通知书。 对于当前学生,您必须在澳大利亚至少完成两个学期的学习 目前就读医学学士和外科学士(荣誉)课程或医学科学和医学博士(MD)课程的学生必须完成至少四个学期并取得成绩。 注意:如果您符合以下条件,则没有资格申请该奖学金: 正在学习澳大利亚 12 年级。您可能有资格获得约翰·莫纳什爵士卓越奖学金。 开始攻读医学学士和外科学士学位(荣誉)课程或医学科学和医学博士(MD)课程。您需要完成四个学期并以在校学生身份申请
  • 适用学位研究生
  • 适用范围全校
校区:Monash Caulfield Campus
地址:900 Dandenong Rd, Caulfield East, VIC 3145