Bachelor of Medical Imaging-医学影像学学士-097569A


Bachelor of Medical Imaging

AQF7 级延长工作签证


Deakin University

  • 总学费164,800 AUD
  • 每学期费用41,200 AUD
  • 时长4.0学年 (208 周)
Join one of the strongest growth areas within the health sector* with Deakin's Bachelor of Medical Imaging. Gain the latest knowledge in medical radiation science and develop your skills in imaging modalities such as general radiography, computed tomography (CT), angiography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). You will learn authentically in our world-class medical imaging labs, which have the same capabilities used in real medical imaging clinics. Clinical placements each semester start right from your first year and are based in metro, rural and regional settings. You will gain valuable clinical practice in clinical centres and hospitals, and in our medical imaging training unit, giving you diverse experience and skills that ensure you graduate career-ready and eligible for registration as a Medical Radiation Practitioner (diagnostic radiographer).Want to gain the knowledge and clinical expertise to launch your career as a registered diagnostic radiographer?Through this highly specialised course you will develop an understanding of medical radiation science that informs principles of medical images and biological sciences. You will explore important professionalism, communication, ethical and legal aspects of healthcare.Using the latest equipment, you will learn basic X-ray techniques before advancing to more complex medical imaging procedures such as: general radiography digital vascular imaging mammography computed tomography (CT) general ultrasound (U/S) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Take advantage of Deakin’s state-of-the-art facilities to practise your skills using the same equipment professionals use. Our medical imaging labs replicate real-world medical imaging clinics – two of the main X-ray examination rooms even include ceiling and floor-mounted imaging systems. You will be preparing for your future career by utilising our realistic facilities, gaining practical knowledge and skills that can easily transition into the workplace.Develop your knowledge in clinical placements under the supervision of experienced practitioners in a range of settings, including hospitals and private radiology clinics throughout Australia. These workplace experiences provide you with the skills needed to enter the medical imaging sector with confidence.Deakin is deeply committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. As part of this commitment, our Indigenous Entry Stream provides a specialised pathway for Indigenous students to become healthcare practitioners, improving cultural safety and health equity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the communities they serve. Our Bachelor of Medical Imaging is one of four courses available through this stream.Are you a current Year 12 student? If you attend a school in a regional or remote area or within the Greater City of Geelong you may be eligible to apply for this course through our Regional and Remote Entry Scheme using our dedicated VTAC code. As an eligible applicant you may also receive up to a 10 aggregate point adjustment towards your entry score. Make the most of your ATAR.*2021 Employment Projections – for the five years to November 2026, Australian Government, Jobs and Skills Australia.
CRICOS CodeCRICOS Code:097569A
Course Type课程类型:Bachelor Degree
PTE 成绩
校区:Deakin University, Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus Campus
地址:Deakin University, Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus, 75 Pigdons Rd, Geelong, VIC 3220